The Art of Pho motion comic is very inspirational for me because it draws me in; makes me want to watch the whole story until the end.

It is a proper story, very good quality animation which engages the audience by stopping the story and demanding action from them in a mini game form. However, it is still linear and you have no control over how the story goes.

Relates to Chris Crawford - storytelling communicates complex info. It makes it easier to digest.
"Jonathan by Sam Kronick is an interactive ‘non-game‘ that explores the culture and urban form of a typical American suburban landscape by creating a never-ending generative sprawl of lawns, cul-de-sacs and single-family homes."

I really like the consept of this 'non-game'. It asks " how, once built, will we maintain [a community]?". It has a serious undertone and I also like the fact that it's point is to bore and frustrate the user, which is usually the opposite in conventional games.

Relates to Franca - ideology in games. Games limit the user, which is an ideological choice of the designer. In this case, the limitations make a point about society.
Transformers movie advertising campaign by Digital Kitchen.
The user downloads an application that gives the locations in a google map format of where the Transformers posters are. Users view it through their phone and it comes to life. A character gives them a mission and the user walks around and fights bad guys in the location they are in - outside in the street, or the waiting area in a cinema.

It would be really cool to make a game in a physical environment.

Relates to Cameron - there is illusion of control because the user feels free to move around in a space, but they are directed by the way the game is designed. There is a predetermined number of enemy ships that you can destroy as well as places you can go. User cannot decide to play in their garden, for example.
The Siftables
Bernhard Willhelm's Spring Summer 2013

"Geoffrey Lillemon with Random studio in Amsterdam brings classic romantic painting and drawing style to technology by creating a new website showcasing the latest collection by the German fashion designer Bernhard Willhelm."

They used Faceshift and 3D Studio Max to create this application. "The team used face shift to capture the models faces which a great variety of objs that had unique facial expressions that could be controlled in 3dsmax. The heads were custom designed for each outfit to capture the essence of the ensemble and make it come alive."

This gives me an idea of applying this to a game where the user can actually be a character in a story. This is similar to 3D effects available with webcams. It would be a nice idea to make an interactive story with these principles.
Relates to Ludology - the player is not an external observer